General information:
Our students have 3 hours of English a week during all four years of secondary education. The subject is taught in small groups of about 15-16 students, who have similar command of the language. Usually, we start at B1 or B2 in the first grade to reach C1+ in the final year. Almost all our students decide to write extended level Matura exam.
English course in our school is mainly based on ‘Focus’ and 'High Note’ series by Pearson but we also use ‘Repetytorium Maturalne’ (Pearson) and ‘Insight’ advanced (Oxford).
Placement tests:
Before they start their adventure with learning English in our school, all the students take a placement test, which enables us to divide them into appropriate language groups. The fact that you are surrounded by peers at a similar level of English makes learning a comfortable and inspiring process in which motivation and support play the crucial role.
Mock exams:
All fourth grade students have the possibility to experience Matura Exam by writing Mock Matura Exam in our school. We put all the effort into organizing it according to all the rules that will later be applied to its real version. Why? Just because we want You to feel prepared, comfortable and secure.
Third grade students also take Mock Matura Exam, which we call ‘A Small Matura Exam’. After two mock exams there is no danger you won’t be prepared for the Big May!
‘Being… Agatha Christie’
A literary competition ‘Being… Agatha Christie’ is organised annually in our school. Students from all over Poland can send their crime/mystery stories. The main objective of the contest is to develop students’ imagination and ability to plan their work. We also intend to popularize English literature. This year the contest is suspended due to the epidemic situation. Next year we will be proud to announce its 15th edition.
‘International Public Speaking’
The main objective of the competition is to promote English language by letting students present their views and opinions in form of a speech in front of a larger audience. The jury does not only reward the linguistic skills, but also, first and foremost, the originality of the presentation, the arguments used and the ability to keep the viewers’ attention.
The participants prepare a short speech on their own, it should not last more than 5 minutes. The speech should be inspired by the main topic of the competition, which means, that each participant has to find their own interpretation of the issue.
The winner of the regional stage will represent Wrocław in the Polish finals in Bydgoszcz.
The winner of the Polish finals will represent Poland in the International finals in London.
English Language Olympiad:
In the recent years there have been numerous students taking part in the first stage of the English Language Olympiad (the school stage). Every year approximately 10 of them qualify for the second (regional) stage, some of whom make it to the final. We take pride in as many as 4 Laureates and 1 Finalist in the last 6 years.
International projects:
Our students participate in international online projects, as a part of eTwinning community. eTwinning is the initiative of the European Commission which encourages schools in Europe to collaborate using ICT tools. The participants exchange information, materials and presentations in order to develop projects with their foreign peers. So far, we have worked with schools from Italy, Serbia, Latvia and Greece.
In 2017 our eTwinning project has been granted European Quality Label and the students involved in it received a grant to go on a trip to Riga.
International online projects are an excellent opportunity to develop language skills and to learn about culture and life of our European partners.